Monday, January 22, 2007

Some Sort Of Random Thoughts On Recent Times

Insane winds, people getting hit on the head with roof tiles
A very naughty man getting hanged
insanelysexylicioustotallyoverthetopsupercomputerphone announced
Bloke from Blur forms another band in the good the bad and the queen
It's probably going to snow like it's 2006
Jade Baddy causes outrage when she opens her mouth on Celebrity Big Brother

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Fuck Headlines

I'm sure you read or saw on the news apart the guy who jumped off a balcony with his children. A headline on the papers today was "He was a good father" WTF, yeah okay so it was real considerate of him to throw himself and the kids off a balcony and kill his son, if only more fathers could be like him the world would be a better place. What kind of twisted shit does this fuel? The headline just stuck in my head all day, okay so there was some sort of a story behind it with the mans wife defending him, but seriously no this was an inproper use of a headline and the editor of said paper should throw himself off a balcony (just one that isn't that high up, so he doesn't die but he still learns his lesson) Okay? That's politically correct isn't it?

The Lost Cash-In Begins Anew...

Lost Figures Wave 1

They are actually impressively detailed if slightly boring. Where's the polar bear figure? Hopefully wave 2 will include that teacher bloke mid-explosion holding the dynamite...legendary.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Non Return Of Toploader

Remember Toploader? The man with the hair, dancing in the moonlight and such other references, anyway it probably won't interest you to know the man with the hair Joseph Washbourn is back as a solo artist, and apparently he has brought some decent tunes with him back from hell or wherever he has been. So there you go.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Have You Seen This Blog?

It's whereabouts are unknown, SSOAB was last seen on Tuesday, May 23, 2006. When asked about the blogs apparent disappearance Shough said "It's over, it's as good as dead" Ruomlig later declined to comment further.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Lost, The Game

For those of you living under a rock, Lost is the uber-popular television series about a group of seeming strangers who crash land on an island which is infested (or infected? Who knows? It is part of the mystery!) with polar bears, dinosaurs, hatches, and mystery. Lost has been licensed in over 210 territories worldwide. The series has been a Top 3 U.S. series on free TV channels in every international territory it has aired-From Ign. So yeah they are turning Lost into a videogame This seems like such a bad decision by somebody to me and a blatant cash-in. I mean, seriously...why?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Tipping The Velvet

I'm not big on public displays of affection, but when two attracive blonde women come into my place of work, start kissing each other and telling each other they love each other I can't help but be fucking overjoyed. Seriously though, I was slightly :O at first then didn't know where the fuck to look. Today was truly a great day. Lesbianism rocks!

The Da Vinci Cut

Check out this news article about The Da Vinci Code in Thailand. There's also a great quote about half through from a Christian in Malaysia.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Raconteurs

A raconteur is a person known for telling amusing stories and anecdotes. Your new favorite "supergroup", well...ours anyway.

People Stop Playing

So apparently those movies you can buy to watch on a PSP are over. They literally went down so badly that after every store in every town filled their shelves with millions of the bloody things, the company that makes them are going to stop! Just goes to show that watching one of those tiny screens between 1hr 29mins and 2hrs 59mins is pretty poor after all.