Monday, January 23, 2006

And So It Begins...

This is the blog of Alex and Justin, aka Gilmour and Shough aka Ruomlig and Hguohs aka The Accountant and The King aka the policeman and the Waitrose-man. So, why 897 well, could it be that there is some kind of secret meaning? Some kind of Lost-esq hidden deeper mysteries? Did fate lead us to this point? Well, no, no and maybe. This is our blog, this is your blog, this is the blog.


Blogger Ruomlig said...

Bwahahaha! Excellent first post! But surely it should be Ruomlig and Hguohs? Not Hguosh? I'm just being picky!

2:44 PM

Blogger Shough said...

Son of a...It has been done.

3:50 PM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

Good. Perfection is the route to success...or evil, I forget which!

12:02 PM

Blogger Shough said...

i just thought of another one!

Aka the black Next shoes and the brown Next shoes.

4:25 PM


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