Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Deal...Or No Deal?

22 people
22 sealed boxes
22 different cash prizes
One Question: Deal or No Deal?

It's been a huge success across the world, mainly thanks to the people who we can mock when they loose all of their money or cheer when they beat the banker. Noel makes the game what it is certainly in this country, i'm assuming there are foreign versions of Noel Edmonds hosting the shows around the world. It's good, but the "free web entry" is a piece of shit and it hardly ever works. -And thanks, I will have that suitcase of money. Cheers.


Blogger Ruomlig said...

NO DEAL! It's poor. I watched it the other week and had no idea what the real point of it was. If Noel wasn't presenting it nobody would have taken any notice of it!

10:47 AM


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