Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The National Obsession

Fuck chip and fuck pin. For those of you unfortunate enough to work in the retail business you will no doubt be aware of the publics national obsession with Mr Chip and Mrs Pin. It's replaced the weather as the most talked about thing, which is striking seen as the weather has actually been pretty poor lately (not Russia-Poor, but it was -6 this morning, fuck!) Some people, mainly the old and confused are scared of chip and pin, maybe they see it as the devils work or maybe despite it's simplicity they just don't darn well get it. Others are actually chip and pin-whores, lusting after entering their digits into those little black boxes like they probably lust after cheap booze and sex, and when you regretfully tell them "sorry sir, we haven't actually started using chip and pin yet" they get that red mist in their eyes and the tone of their voice changes and you just know they want to rip your pretty little face off.


Blogger Bon said...

For those of you who don't work in the retail business, you've no idea how accurate this post is!

4:08 PM


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