Monday, February 13, 2006

The Shins Are My Haywood

Oh. Your God.

Ok, the story goes like this:

  • October 2001 Zach Braff does the whole Scrubs thing
  • 2004, Zach Braff does the whole Garden State thing, thus introducing the world (or the few hundred thousand intelligent people who actually went to see his very good film) to his taste in music, enter The Shins (who had actually had a song already in a Scrubs episode thanks to Braff and they appeared on The Scrubs soundtrack)
  • I instantly buy Oh inverted World and Chutes Too Narrow and adore both, and make a bold claim that they are better than sex, Coldplay and the Beatles
  • Late 2005, I discovered they did a track They'll Soon Discover (for the Spongebob Squarepants epic of a movie) and a cover of a Postal Service song We Will Become Silhouettes, I download both and they are both epic
  • Then I wept, I wept because they don't update their website, no new album in site and I come to the assumption I have a better chance of winning the Euro Millions draw than seeing them live
  • So, fuck. When I came online two days ago and discovered The Shins have four tour dates in this country this May my head almost exploded. Does this mean The Shins have a new album out? Have their forsaken their homeland to come to our great Nation? Will anybody come to see them with me? So many questions, so few answers. But The Shins are back


Blogger Bon said...

Bet they're not as good as Haywood :P

6:11 PM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

You've obviously never had sex, Coldplay or The Beatles! What a twisted combination!

But kudos for mentioning Spongebob Squarepants!

9:23 PM

Blogger Shough said...

Haywood are a bit fucking good actually. You (Bon) constantly forcing them upon me has obviously worked. A Light At The End is currently playing...

6:50 PM


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