Tuesday, May 02, 2006

This Is The End, My Only Friend, The End

It isn't actually the end, but I wanted to get rid of the previous post so that when I/Alex/someone that doesn't write this comes on here they don't have to look at the same old post that is beginning to go stale and form particles of mould upon it's title (seriously, look closer!)*
Well there is nothing to say really, we often talk about how poor it is that we don't post, I suggested we draft post for the whole month then at the end of it publish all of the posts...Of which there would probably only be one anyway, so with reckless abandon we continue in ernest [insert other words here I don't often use] So that's it, by the time I return I fully expect another post to have taken the place of this one, and if there isn't...may god have mercy on ye soul.

*Yeah I'm joking I can't believe you actually looked closer


Blogger Ruomlig said...

Ha! And to think I almost didn't bother to come on here!

9:52 AM


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