Monday, April 17, 2006

The Post They Didn't Want You To Read:

I can't believe I actually had this on my computer! These are the few notes me and Alex wrote on our anti semantic (or anti whatever) sitcom, or Godcom as it were. It's so bad, and so totally doesn't make any sense, but here it is anyway:

The Alternative Testament (The Testament They Didn’t Want You To Read)

A lost manuscript was found, dating back to ancient Jerusalem, which contained a missing third book that was originally intended to be included in the now legendary Bible, which would have made it some epic Lord of the Rings style trilogy of Testaments!

Genesis: Phil Collins “You can’t hurry life, no you’ll just have to wait”

Adam And Eve (Snake-good) Banished. Beaver-Tempts (tree-apple)

Noah’s Ark: The Raiders Of The Non-Lost Ark, guy with whip.

Moses: 11 Commandments. Parting of the water

Jesus (talks from birth) three wise women/men: Gold, frankincense and a beaver
Birth/death/resurrection/death (beavers on the cross)
Blind guy, food-fish/bred 1000’s. Walking on water.
Disciples-beaver-glasses. One condemned for looking at porn on the net

Evil King …

Freak in the whale: Jonah (talking whale see Finding Nemo)

THE LAST SUPPER-guy painting them


Blogger Ruomlig said...

Bwahahaha! Always with the beavers! It's actually all kind of lame! It should have remained one of those legendary things in our minds...though it could be good if we'd actually written it.

7:09 AM

Blogger Shough said...

No it would have been lame if we had actually written it, hence why we never did!

9:48 PM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

Yeah, sorry, I got confused...Though I reckon it could have been semi-good!

7:12 PM


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