Thursday, January 26, 2006

Blood God's Money

Firstly sorry for the crudeness of the photo, I don't have scanning capabilities, apart from ones that let me read peoples minds, obviously. So anyway, this fake $1 Million note was given to me by somebody I don't know while I was at work. He made some comment that it was "really worth $1 Million" even though it obviously isn't. So I laughed, thought "cool" and went back to work, however on closer inspection I found out that this was more than just a hilarious substitute for Monopoly money and it was in fact a tool to recruit people to the faith of Christianity and to the way of God. I will not soil this blog by quoting the note but I will give you this address which is printed on it, if you are slightly curious then check it out but I haven't as I'm not going to be forced a long a path I'm not willing to take. That said, off the record I am a (sort of) Christian and believe in God/Heaven.


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