Friday, January 27, 2006

I Hate It And I Hate You

Is what you may think about this blog and it's writers, if so go to hell. If not go to hell anyway. Hopefully this blog will bridge the gap between writer and reader with commenting mainly, guest blogging is a possibility for the future too. Anyway let us know what you want to read on here be it random, structured informative or whatever, and if you think we should just delete the blog and revive The Factory then get back to hell you fool I didn't say you could leave yet. More soon. Shough-Gilmour*.


Blogger Shough said...

*He didn't write this, and probably wouldn't want to lend his name to it.

11:26 PM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

I wash my hands of the whole sordid affair!

11:27 AM

Blogger Bon said...

Get back to TheFactory you mutinies!

10:20 AM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

I would if I could! Or would I?

11:13 AM


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