Friday, January 27, 2006

Man Vs Door

Okay, I'm a freakmonster. I'm a little tiny bit scared of doors. I don't know why, maybe I was attacked by a malfunctioning sliding door when I was a child or something. Did anybody notice me cower at the doors at the restaurant the other night? When I couldn't open them at first I felt inferior. Door 1 Me 0. I also hate the doors at the cottage hospital in town, sure they open for you when you enter, but when you want to exit you have to find some hidden switch (which may or may not be booby trapped!), however, today as I was leaving the hospital (I had my blood taken if you must know) somebody else (an attractive woman if you MUST know) was leaving before me, so I managed to sneak out without embarrassment. Success. Door 1 Me 1.


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