Monday, February 13, 2006

Copy&Paste, But Wait...Come Back

An Alternative source (i.e. not me) can confirm recent rumblings that Apple is nearing completion of a completely revamped video iPod that will shed the ubiquitous mechanical click wheel for a touch screen and will sport a 3.5-inch diagonal display, after consulting the forums this is what you, the general public had to say;

If it has a touch screen click wheel, wouldn't you always be smudging up your screen? Maybe it comes with a pair of white gloves.

An ipod video with touchscreen interface would be a waste of the technology. now, revive the newton and you've got something. i've still got my old "carpenter-pencil" stylus from the newton 100.

Why not put the click wheel on the back and a few buttons on the front?

It better be 80+ gb!!!!!

What do you think?


Blogger Ruomlig said...

I think you should stop copy and pasting!

9:24 PM


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