Sunday, February 05, 2006

360 Day

There are plenty of days that will leave you feeling disappointed in the year;

Christmas Day - A Lump of coal
Boxing Day - What the fuck is the point?
Birthday - Presents you don't want
Easter - Eating so much chocolate you either come out in spots or your stomach explodes.

But no day can match the disappointment of the 14th of February, Valentines day. It's not even a public holiday, you will only end up spending money and if you don't have a significant other you are totally and completely screwed. I'm actually fearful of seeing Cupid, because I think if he fires an arrow at me it's going to get stuck in my windpipe and suffocate me MURDERING BASTARD!! Anyway here's a plea to all the current singleton's lets make it the best Valentines ever and do something really wild like swim the channel, or go on a killing rampage targeting only happy couples. Fine, I'll just stay in and play on my xbox 360.


Blogger Ruomlig said...

Birthday presents you don't want? That says a lot, seeing as the only present you got before this post was published was the Xbox 360...Hmmm...Suspicious!

Plus don't moan, it's free presents!...or something less selfish!

10:54 AM

Blogger Shough said...

"Birthday presents you don't want" was a generalisation that people generally don't get what they want for their birthday. I however normally do, in fact my expectations are normally eclipsed. Feel free to rant further though, although you might want to actually post in the mean time!...or something less harsh!

1:43 PM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

But generalising is pointless, if you get what you want, which I usually do or stuff that I didn't want but I would actually like and thus would have wanted had I known/thought about it (what?), then it should make no difference cos what other people get doesn't affect you!

This comment was copy and pasted from my own mind...or something equally harsh! :-D

9:19 PM


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