Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I know you, your that guy...from that thing!

Watching 24 is great for two reasons, one the actual show. But two, for spotting what things the actors that are currently in it have been in before. Currently my list for day five goes like this;

Samwise Gamgee(LOTR)
Pheebs bf from an episode of Friends
Guy that was in an episode of the X-Files (Fire)

-Okay so i'm sure there was more than that when I started the list, but please...add your own!


Blogger Shough said...

I found it highly suspicious that the guy from the X-Files was in it, as had I not just recently re-watched that episode I wouldnt have had a clue that he was in it!

11:58 PM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

Well there have been others like: Jim from Neighbours and I think it was Ross's girlfriend from Friends. But they're either dead or not in it anymore! Oh and President Palmer's brother was in Buffy the Vampire Slayer as the new Principal!

8:29 PM

Blogger Bon said...

Why do you write a post then comment on it six minutes afterwards? Just do what I do and edit the post! :D

11:27 PM

Blogger Shough said...

Because the comment was merely a sidenote, and not integral to the post itself, and Alex DAY 5!!! Jim, and Ross's bird are either dead or irrelevent now! Kudos on Palmers brother though!

3:24 PM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

Yeah I know Day 5, but I was just recapping previous characters who were in other things. Where was Phoebe's Boyfriend? Didn't see him.

4:05 PM

Blogger Shough said...

Oh he was there, bwahahahahahaha!

7:01 PM


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