Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Ultimate Test

So yesterday I took a test at Addenbrooks to determine how mentally sound I am, as a baseline so they have something to compare it to later on in my life if they need to. Questions ranged from the insane to the hilarious. I had to draw some shapes, count symbols and match up words with pictures (I felt like a child, but they told me everybody has to take the same test and this includes people with dementia for example) they tested my short term memory by getting me to remember three words (I forget which, sorry hehe) and a long term memory test which I kind of sucked at, it was someone's address you had to remember it was something like John Maxwell 24 Market Street something town Lincolnshire. My first question was what day of the week is it? and I was like "errr....*longpause*....Tuesday" I had to tell them that JFK was the president who was shot in the 1960's and who are current PM is among other less interesting things. I also had to say as many words starting with the letter 'P' as I could, following that I had to name as many animals as I could...I said as many as I could till I got stuck then I laughed manically (inside my head of course) and said..."beaver" pretty legendary then!


Blogger Ruomlig said...

Ha! Legendary! I think I'm going to have one, cos I'm sure I'd fail miserably. From the fact that you posted this I assume they didn't stamp "Insane" on your hand, lock you up and throw away the key!?

10:06 PM

Blogger Shough said...

It washes off, and I managed to tunnel my way out thanks!

10:41 PM


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