Friday, March 03, 2006

Shough's Fun Anti Theft Devices For Your Car

An alarm that, when activated plays "who let the thieves out, who...who...who"

A copy of Son Of The Mask left on the passenger seat, as nobody wants to see this film

A copy of Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not left in your cars cd player, as everybody already owns this album

And if your car is really desirable and you don't want it to be stolen, ever, spray paint "I love Cheaper By The Dozen 2" on the side panels. Extreme, but it will work like a charm.


Blogger Bon said...

"A copy of Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not left in your cars cd player, as everybody already owns this album"

I don't own this and I don't know who it's by :P

10:59 AM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

Ha! You've somehow managed to avoid the insane hype machine that is The Artic Monkeys! I don't own this album either, but I'm sure it's not worth stealing - which makes this post genius!

1:12 PM

Blogger Shough said...

By "everybody" I clearly meant a larger percentage of people have it than who don't have it. Although I don't have it either, and don't know anyone that does...which is highly suspicious, maybe they haven't really sold many copies of the album at all...

1:36 PM

Blogger Ruomlig said...

Ha! It's an elaborate ploy to make you think you're the only person who doesn't own it! I read something in this month's issue of Mojo that says about it being the fastest selling debut album of all time, which is odd because most of the tracks were avaliable to download months before the album was released. Which is good because it shows that people still want an actual CD over a download...unless of course they downloaded the entire album!? ...Idiots!

7:16 PM


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